A state-of-the-art transport system for Avio

AVT Europe NV completes the offer of transport solutions of Actemium, develops a state-of-the-art transport system for Avio, an Italian tech giant in various domains, from commercial aviation to the military industry.
Avio required a transport solution capable of handling a 165-ton fuel tank for their projects ‘Vega’ and ‘Ariane 6 rocket’. This project was quite particular, considering the weight and the mobility requirement – air cushions were not an option.
AVT’s obvious solution for this project was the Shifter, known for being able to deploy in a tailor-made fashion. And to solve the air cushions situation, AVT and Avio joined forces to improve the air cushions-powered system by developing The Multi Wheel. This set of 360° rotating wheels underneath the Shifter equally divides the weight across the ground surface, preserving the floor and fuel tank from damage or extreme pressure. The wheels also allow for maximum precision when carrying heavy loads, even at low installation heights.
This combined solution, named The Flex Shifter, passed the static test by carrying a total weight of 225 tons, well over its expected 150-ton maximum; AVT increased the testing weight to ensure safety and security. The dynamic tests were successful and the Flex Shifter is now fully operational in Italy.
For more information, please contact Maarten van Looveren.