Actemium improves reliability and efficiency of the order picking process for Mathot

Mathot Medical Specialty Shops supplies medical devices to private customers as well as healthcare institutions. Employees in Mathot's warehouse near Haarlem collect 700 to 1100 orders every day. Delivery reliability is paramount at Mathot: customers need the medical products. But it is also a major challenge. Although it already had a delivery reliability of 99%, Mathot called on Actemium to optimize its logistics process.
Actemium advised several adjustments to the logistics process and implemented paperless picking with voice. Order pickers now work with audio instructions that they confirm with their voice. They have their hands free, and greater focus in their work. Moreover, they no longer pick on the basis of product knowledge, but on the basis of a reference number. This not only improved reliability and efficiency by another 20%, but also flexibility. The chance of error is now close to nil, and it is easier to train new staff.
Additionally, Actemium advised more optimizations of the workplace. Employees now pick multiple orders at once, directly in the shipping box. As a final touch, Actemium also improved IT by providing the link between Vocollect Voice Picking and the existing Navision ERP system.
For more information, please contact Actemium Logistics Netherlands.