A Green Transition in Industry
A Green Transition in Industry: Actemium electrifies the first CO2-free plasterboard plant in the world!

Actemium Electro has been mandated to electrify a CO2-free plasterboard factory in Fredrikstad.
The mission is to replace the current natural gas used for calcination and drying the plasterboards produced.
Omexom Norway is also participating in this project to execute all high voltage works.
Once the plant is completed, Gyproc will reduce annual emissions by more than 23 000 tons of CO2 and energy consumption by 30% per unit produced while increasing production capacity by 40%.
For Saint-Gobain, which owns Gyproc: “the electrification of the factory is a strategic pilot project for the 70 similar plasterboard factories around the world”.

For more information, please contact Jon-Ottar Ellefsen.