Successful completion of a natural gas compression station for SNTGN Transgaz SA, Romania

On the occasion of the announcement by SNTGN Transgaz SA, the national natural gas transmission company, of the successful completion of the works of the third and last compression station SC Bibești, Actemium Petrol & Gaze Ploiești marks the successful completion of a new project. It is the 3rd and last compression station within the BRUA project – Phase 1 that SNTGN Transgaz SA puts into operation, after the compression stations in Jupa and Podișor.
The Bibești compression station will compress the natural gas to compensate for the pressure loss that is essential in the natural gas transport process. The station is bidirectional and can compress the gas in both directions Podișor – Giurgiu and Jupa – Nădlac. This project is the largest investment of SNTGN Transgaz SA in the last 30 years and through a high-level interdisciplinary collaboration between the client and Actemium, it proved to be a remarkable success.
Actemium Petrol & Gaze Ploiești and three local business units of SC TIAB SA were involved in the execution, commissioning, performance tests and maintenance services.
Construction of BRUA infrastructure – Phase 1 will increase Romania’s level of energy security, ensuring in the future access to diversified sources and routes for natural gas supply and interconnection with the regional and European energy market. The BRUA – Phase 1 project establishes the connection of the natural gas transmission system between Bulgaria-Romania-Hungary and Austria.
For more information, please contact Corneliu Samoila.